A Letter from

 Winterbauer's Janushka

Easter Sunday 2008

I was with you when You dug my grave today,
You did it with such care.  
I want to reassure you, that I have not really gone away.

I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled
for the door.  I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and
said "it’s me."

You looked so very tired, and sat into a chair.  I tried
so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.

It’s possible for me, to be so near you everyday.  
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you
knew ... in the stillness when evening comes, You know I will always be close to you.
When the day is over...
I smile and watch you yawning and hear you say
"Goodnight, Juda, Atticus Rudy and Nushi, 
I’ll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you and my Juda Mom 
to cross the brief divide,
I’ll rush across to greet you and we’ll stand, side by side.

I will have so many things to show you, there will be so much
for you to see.  
Be patient, live your journey out take care of Juda Mom ...
then come home to be with me.

Nushi was with us from Christmas 1991 until Easter Suday 2008
I hope I was worthy of her devotion.

Jimmy my adored Husband
Nushi and I thank You for the Labor of Love You did for us Today..

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